The return of the Harold Hill Hoax

Howard J. Van Till (
Wed, 12 Aug 1998 08:09:29 -0400

I received a request from a seminary professor as follows:

"I am in the Old Testament department at ........ Seminary preparing for a
series of Bible studies on Joshua that I will be presenting in churches and
a conference this year. Yesterday I received a publication repeating the
old article about Harold Hill supposedly working for NASA and discovering
missing days that Joshua 10 and 2 Kings explains. I know people are going
to be asking questions about that, since the story is so widely known.

"If you know of anyone knowledgeable about the history of this story, or if
you have any references you could give me, I would be very grateful."

I recall some action of this legend on the ASA listserve some months ago.
If anyone can provide me with information for this questioner I would
appreciate it.


Howard Van Till