"I just have one comment. "But beyond this, my son, be warned: the
writing of
many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the
body." Perhaps your clear positions prior to taking the course were the
correct one. If your earlier positions were biblically based, then I
reconsider your "new knowledge.""
If I took your advice completely, my friend, I'd retreat to my pre-school
days. Santa Claus is real, and dad knows everything.
Some ethical questions can be answered "easily" from Scripture. Some with
difficulty. Some not at all.
As an example, had you asked me ten years ago if God disapproved of all
homosexual activity, I would have considered the question naive; of
course He does.
I have found that (1) not all Christians hold this belief and (2) at
least some of those who do not hold it have good reasons for asserting
that Scripture does not proscribe some (at least) homosexual activity
(that which occurs within a long-term monogamous relationship). Their
reasoning is based on Scripture.
Whether (or not) I go along with them is not the issue. The fact is that
reasonable, committed, people-of-Christ do differ on some of these
issues. That is because the issues are complex, not simple.
I could add examples from "cloning" or from "abortion" or from a number
of other ethical issues. But that might get tedious.
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