On Ethics again

John W Burgeson (johnwilliamburgeson@juno.com)
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 12:52:21 -0700

Moorad wrote:

" Perhaps the issue
of Christian Ethics is not all that complicated. The present furor and
emphasis of ethicists, etc. may be a sign of man's disobedience and lack
knowledge of Who God truly is. "

I think I'll have to disagree, my friend. At least it is not
uncomplicated to me.

At age 64, with a physics education (MS), a physics and computer science
career behind me, I returned to college to take a couple of courses I'd
missed. "Introduction to Philosophy" was a snap -- I really learned a lot
and, while I'd hardly feel qualified to teach the subject, I felt I had
a decent handle on the basics.

Then I took "Ethics," from the same professor, a dedicated lifelong
Christian, by the way. After the course, I've continued reading. I used
to have some very clear positions on a lot of issues -- the reason they
were clear is that I'd never studied them seriously. Abortion, homosexual
acts, cloning, etc. etc. From having "the answers" on these, and other
issues, I came to realize I did not yet even have the right questions!

Well -- that's how I see it from here, anyway.


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