Face it, within the church Johnson is *not* perceived as somebody just
trying to improve science. He is perceived as the guy who is showing
that Christianity is not falsified after all,...>>
I have two quotations from Nelson and Johnson, from e-mail messages
recently received from them by me, which they have allowed me to use on
>I'm interested in, and work on, ID because I think it's *good
>science* and *true* -- not because I want to steamroll anyone in[to]
>a sterile rationalistic theism with scientific evidence.
Paul Nelson (quoted with his permission from a private communication)
>There is nothing about the intelligent design concept or evidence which
>necessarily requires the designer to be supernatural. Christians
>(including myself) will naturally think that the designer is the God of
>the Bible, but this is for reasons other than that the scientific
>for design inherently requires that conclusion. Behe has a whole
chapter on
>this subject in Darwin's Black Box.
>Phil Johnson (quoted with his permission from a private communication)
I picked these two out of other communications because I think they
fairly assert the positions I have heard them say before -- at the NTSE
and otherwise.