Re: Jim said, Jan said

Jan de Koning (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 17:45:03 -0500

At 11:04 AM 13/01/98 PST, Theophilus de Lucas wrote:
>Dear Jan,
>You have, IMO, a totally flawed understanding of the ID movement. To
>accuse them of a God of the Gaps (GOG) Theology (as others have done in
>this list in the last few weeks) is simply to misunderstanding that you
>have taken to the nth degree. I'm sure that you'd agree that we all run
>a high risk of ridicule when we attack or criticize that which we don't
>know very well. So, I highly recommend to you that you read the latest
>issue of Origins & Design, specially de article by Dr. Platinga, that
>you may have a better understanding of what IDT is, what GOG is, and
>where it came from, and other nice things.
>new in this list

I just finished reading Brand: Faith and Reason, Earth History, A Paradigm
of Earth and Biological Origins by Intelligent Design. In that book he
defends "Informed Intervention." How does it differ from a God-of the-Gaps
theory? Maybe I misunderstand the God-of-the Gaps theory, but I still find
the Interventionist theory unbiblical and thus theologically unacceptable.
Maybe Brand was too simplistic in his descrpition of evolution as other
Christians see it, but he throws naturalistic and theistic evolutionists
all on one big heap. I object to that. Besides I do not see anywhere in
the Bible anything like the Interventionist theories. On the contrary, I
still mantain that nothing happens outside God's will. How that works I
don't know, but not as just as an "intervention." But what you write
confirms again that the basic background is a philosophy I do not share.

I do not receive Origins and Design, but if you send it to me (20 Crispin
Crescent, Willowdale, Ont.
M2R 2V7, Canada.) I will read it, and if Plantinga writes as I heard him
talk, I will let you know why I don't agree.

Jan de Koning
Willowdale, Ont.