>Re: > PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)

Eduardo G. Moros (moros@castor.wustl.edu)
Wed, 07 Jan 1998 16:40:21 -0600

> Re: > PC vs. TE (Will it ever end?)
> Jan de Koning (dekoning@idirect.com)
> Do I read it right? Was Augustine the first man, who brought on us the
> results of the original sin?

I believe He was the one who coined the phrase "Original Sin" and further
developed this doctrine considerably.

> I don't know what 50%of readers on this list are, but I do know I am not
> the only Christian Reformed Calvinist on it, who believes that we all
> sinned in Adam, and that the earth in its entirety suffered because of it.
> Only through the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ we will be able to see
> the New Earth.

I would change "see" for "experience".

> The Bible tells us clearly, that through Adam's sin the earth was
> condemned. It is exactly for that reason that we can say, that we do not
> live on a perfect earth, and that it does not make sense to say that this
> earth is intelligently designed.

I disagree. It was intelligently formed out of chaos. There are remnants and
evidences of God's work all over (Ps. 19) just as we still bear his image.
But we
fallen from that pristine uncorrupted condition.

> Our daily human sin makes this a very
> imperfect earth. How are we going to decide which qualities of our earth
> are destroyed by sin?


> As I have often said before, the first eleven chapters of the bible are not
> necessarily history in the modern sense of the word. They are history of
> the church allright, but it does not mean that we understand each word as
> it should be understood. The Christian Reformed Church had a study
> committee on these things, reporting to its 1991 synod. Please, try to get
> a copy of it before accusing Augustine.

Accusing ??????????
