Relating science to the Bible

Jim Taggart (
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 16:09:12 -0500

I am going to be teaching a session of a class (high school juniors and
seniors) which will cover "Science and Genesis." It's actually a very
restricted subject because I am not allocated much time. Basically we
will attempt to relate the first three chapters of Genesis to "common"
scientific knowledge (the big bang, the age of the earth, and

The intent is not to teach some particular view (after lurking on this
list for almost a year, I can see how futile that would be anyway), but
rather to equip the kids for the inevitable jolt when (as the minister
told me) some teacher says: "How can the Christians be so stupid as to
believe the story of Jonah?" We want to give them the beginning of some
tools to deal with the issues discussed on this list server every day.

If anyone has done something like this I'd appreciate any views you wish
to express. I am especially interested in where the pitfalls may lie.

You probably should answer me directly, rather than the list.

Thanks in advance.