Galileo vs. The Church

Chuck Noren (
Mon, 5 Jan 1998 17:45:10 -0500 (EST)

> Galileo is a warning.

I'm jumping in on the middle on a conversation and pulling
it out of context.

I am wondering if there are some historians out there who can
comment on this. From what I heard, Galileo, when he first published
his theories about the Solar System, the Church largly ignored him.
It was some secular philosophers/scientists who were upset about
the theory and activily enlisted the aide of Rome to come down on
Galileo. I have not read historical sources on this so I don't know
if this is urban legend. Has someone studied the historical details
of the history of the conflict and could comment on this?

Chuck Noren
Marietta, GA (home) / (work)