Description: Mainstream scientists present many challenges to
creationists. Some of the main geological challenges are the
pre-Pleistocene ice ages, which group into four main periods of
geological time: 1) mid Precambrian, 2) late Precambrian, 3) late
Ordovician, and 4) late Paleozoic. Their evidence consists of hardened
till-like rocks associated with other 'diagnostic' features sandwiched
between sedimentary rocks. How can an ice age occur in FLood sediments
or, as some creationists believe, in pre-Flood sediments for the
Precambrian cases? Davis Young in "Christianity and the Age of the
Earth, pages 90-91, considers pre-Pleistocene ice ages one of the main
geological arguments agains the Genesis Flood. In this compact book,
the hypothesis of pre-Pleistocene ice ages is analyzed and challenged,
and an alternative is presented; gigantic submarice landslides during
the catastrophic FLood.
[It can be easily interlibrary loaned, if you don't want to buy it.]