Re: >Re: wine

Gordon Tisher (
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 13:39:47 -0800 (PST)

Arthur, what part of "the word for unfermented grape juice is _truks_"
don't you understand? If the writer of the gospel had wished to indicate
that unfermented wine was used at the wedding, why did he use the word
_oinos_ to describe it, a word that is used throughout the New Testament
to denote fermented wine? It may come as a surprise to you, but there are
millions of people, lots of them Christians, who would prefer the
fermented variety of grape juice over the unfermented. It never ceases to
amaze me what great lengths fundamentalists go to to defend their favorite
fundamentals. Why, to imply that Jesus drank fermented wine would be
tantamount to calling him a "wine-bibber and a glutton!"

As St. Paul noted to young Timothy, fermented wine is actually healthier
for you, because the alcohol kills parasites. And back then they didn't
know about the well-documented benifits to one's heart that a glass of
wine bestows.



On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:

> At 06:56 PM 8/30/70 -0600, you wrote:
> >I'm aware of the different meanings of "wine". At Cana's wedding party,
> >however, it is obvious from the text that the *good* wine was fermented.
> Obvious to whom? Possibly it may be obvious to one inculcated in western
> decadent thought about what is "good" in wine. Personally I would not
> choose fermented wine or reconstituted preserved wine over the fresh
> variety, in any circumstance, and I would suggent the wedding guests in
> Cana felt likewise.
> Art