>Does anyone know of evangelicalsor churches that are bringing the Gospel to
>the group of homosexuals to which Paul refers? Does anyone know of
>evangelical missions to homosexuals? I am interested in knowing of their
We are familiar with, and actively support, an evangelical ministry in
Philadelphia called HOPE. It has strong connections to 10th Presbyterian
Church (where James Boice preaches) and ministers to those suffering from
AIDS and their families. It has patiently built up trust from the AIDS and
gay communities without endorsing the gay lifestyle. They provide
counselling, Bible studies, and supportive home environments. Whereas the
majority of the evangelical churches have failed to reach out to the gay
community, or even respond to the spiritual needs of those suffering from
aids, HOPE has been a compassionate ministry which is filling a desperate
The address for HOPE is 1701 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, PA 19103.
Keith B. Miller
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506