Don made us aware of the
> The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation has recently birthed a
> growing home page maintained by Robert Mann at URL
Being a dumb computer it can not accept a peroid instead of a slash. I
tried to think like a computer and found this url gets through fine.
Note the difference after mann or better yet cut and paste.
> This page contains information About the CSCA, links to CSCA Papers and
> Discussions On-Line, and links to other sites of interest to CSCA members.
> The Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) mailing list is a medium to
> allow those interested in biblical ecology to communicate with each
> other--to share thoughts, concerns, prayer requests, responses, and
> solutions to problems. It brings recent information on efforts of the
> EEN and other ministries to help care for God's earth. The EEN is an
> organization committed to helping individuals and the church develop
> biblical reflection on creation and apply it to private, church, and
> public life.
> To subscribe, send email to with a
> message stating your wilingness to participate or just to "listen in" on
> the discussion. Please send a BRIEF paragraph or two describing who you
> are and outlining your philosophy of Christian involvement in creation
> care. In addition, please send your postal address. Upon receipt of
> this information, you will be added to the list. (Your reply to EEN will
> be held in confidence.) One does not need to be a subscriber to Compuserve.
> After you are added to the list, you will receive a "welcome"
> message and some general instructions about how to use the system and the
> address for posting messages.
James F. Mahaffy E-mail:
Biology Department Phone: 712 722-6279
Dordt College FAX 712 722-1198
Sioux Center, Iowa 51250