in Christian Perspective
The Dying of the Giants
P.O. Box 605 Pinedale, Wyoming 82941
From: JASA 22 (September 1970): 91-97. Critique by Roger J. Cuffey
There are numerous mysteries that plague the searching minds of men engaged in
science. One of these is the rather sudden, geologically speaking,
demise of all
the land and sea dinosaurs. This mystery has been called "the dying of the
giants." But such a title might more appropriately be given to
the much more
sudden extinction of giant mammals at the close of the Pleistocene
age. This article
accordingly will be devoted to the discussion of the nature and possible causes
of such great dying.
The Pleistocene epoch is the most recent of the geological ages and yet it has
proved the most puzzling and most controversial. Its length, cause, and nature
are all subject to widespread differences of interpretation. It has been dated
all the way from three million years to three hundred thousand years and less,
There have been at least fifty different theories presented as to its possible
cause and scientists are not agreed on the number of glacials occurring during
its span of time. Most scientists are agreed however that it was a
time of dynamic
Jerome Wyckoff points out "rarely if ever in the geologic past has there
been a period of layer making to match the Pleistocene.1 Earlier
he writes,
"The Pleistocene ice did perhaps the greatest bulldozing operation of all
time.2 Ericson and Wellin note: "Today it is generally accepted that
the relatively short span of the Pleistocene brought greater changes
to the face
of the earth than any that had occurred during the previous seventy
million years
of the Cenozoic Era.3 Loren Eisley is quoted by Dunbar as
writing of "that
series of ryhthmie and overwhelming catastrophes which we call the
Ice Age."4
Objective appraisal of the nature of the Pleistocene, of necessity, must modify
any undeviating quietistic views of uniformitarianism.
Three Unusual Events
At least three unusual events occurred during the last geological epoch called
the Pleistocene or Ice Age. The most familiar event was that of
continental glaciation
in the northern hemisphere and of increased pluvials elsewhere. This dramatic
change in climate was thus worldwide in its scope.
Second and lesser known was a great amount of land rise and mountain building.
Hallam L. Movius, Jr., elaborates: "From the beginning the Pleistocene was
a period of climatic instability and crustal movements of
considerable magnitude."5
Elsewhere Morris
asserts: "Second only in importance to climate are the diastrophic events
connected with mountain building movements."6 Ericson and Wellin
write: "The
Pleistocene was a time of exceptional mountain building and volcanic
Richard Flint in similar vein says: "Mountain uplifts amounting to many,
many thousands of feet have occurred within the Pleistocene epoch
Third, and perhaps still lesser known was the sudden extinction of a
great number
of large animals. In the preface of theft significant work entitled
Extinctions", Paul S. Martin and H. E. Wright state:
"Together glaciers
and extinct large vertebrates characterize dramatically the Quarternary".9
Elsewhere in the work Martin states: "A sudden wave of large
animal extinction,
involving at least 200 genera, most of them lost without phyletie replacement,
characterized the late Pleistocene."10
At least three unusual events occurred during the Pleistocene: (1) continental glaciation in the northem hemisphere and increased pluvials elsewhere, (2) great amount of land rise and mountain building, (3) sudden extinction of a great number of large animals.
The cause of such widespread and enormous extinction of life has occupied the
attention of scientists since the time of Darwin, Wallace and Lyell. A variety
of explanations have been offered. Among them are extreme climate, overkill by
hunters, the use of fire, prolonged drought, disease, etc. No doubt
each of these
were partial factors in causing death. N. J. Bertill for example
points out: "All
these extinctions coincided with the presence of man."11 Wm. Howells
also notes: "With the end of the Ice Age the hunting people were pressing
into every part of the habitable world."1
The Soviet scientist Kazimierz speaks of the climate as a factor:
"The Wurm
glaciation brought a great extinction of the Scandinavian ice sheet
and the total
destruction of the fauna of northern Europe.13
It should be pointed out that most of the extinctions occurred,
according to the
present fossil record, among larger mammals. Wright and Frey have
noted: "Generic
extinction is not seen in the late Pleistocene record of plants, invertebrates
or small vertebrates: these endured in fact."14
The fossil record however is confessedly not as complete as
paleontologists would
like it to be. Fossil records of birds are very meager, as are those of snakes
and insects. The records of most island faunas are very poor. Australia's and
Madagascar's pre-Pleistocene records are yet quite incomplete.
The extinction of large mammals was exceedingly numerous. Norman V.
Newell says:
"Quite recently, therefore, roughly three quarters of the North American
herbivores disappeared and most of the ecological niches . . . were
Bryan Patterson states: "The dramatic extinctions, involving whole groups
of mammals of both northern and southern ancestry
took place at the end of Pleistocene times."16 Later he writes: "The
late Pleistocene extinction left South America shorn of nearly all its really
large mammals."17
George G. Simpson speaks of Australia as
suffering "a
marked decline and mass extinction from Pleistocene, probably late Pleistocene,
to now.18 Daniel Cohen declares "Some 70% of all native North
American mammals
with an adult body weight of 100 lbs. or more died out during a 1,000
year period
at the end of the Pleistocene.'19 Leon Croizat writes:
"Madagascar suffered
marked biological depletion from Pleistocene to recent in the wake of climate
changes of general scope attending the Glacial Ages."20
Significantly many of these larger mammals are represented by smaller mammals
at present. Bjorn Kurten elaborates: "A number of the animals
are now considerably
smaller, on the average, than their ancestors at the end of the
John B. Chervaise says of Australia: "Most present marsupials
possessed gigantic
relations in that voluminous (Pleistocene) time."22 Teilbard De Chardin,
the French Paleontologist wrote: "Once constituted at the beginning of the
Quarternary the Pleistocene fauna hardly changes any more up to the
Holocene era."23
The following authors describe some of the giants: Wright and Frey, "These
(Bison Latifrons) were truly giants."24 William E. Scheel
describes the wooly
rhinoceros as being 14 to 16 feet long, of beavers nearly 10 feet in length, of
glyptodonts fourteen feet long and five and one half feet high."25 A. S.
Romer states that "Madagascar lemurs included forms as large as the great
apes."26 Martin and Wright speak of the giant grey kangaroos of Australia,
giant birds of Madagascar, giant baboons of East Africa and giant
browsing ground
sloths as tall as giraffes. It was as far as mammals are concerned, a world of
giants indeed.
Animal Migration
The tendency of animals to migrate has filled the pages of numerous books. J.
L. CloudsleyThompson notes that "Migratory behavior is instinctive"
and observes that "the origin of migration is little understood, although
the habit may have evolved at the time of the retreat of the last ice
Richard Foster Flint observes "comparatively few forms of life
appeared during
the Pleistocene Epoch which was characterized rather by repeated migrations of
entire floras and faunas,"28 Alfred Wallace pointed out long
ago: "All
animals are capable of multiplying so rapidly, that, if a single pair
were placed
in a continent with abundance of food and no enemies, they might fully stock it
in a very short time."29
It has been the special research of Biogeographers
The reduction in size of the large herbivores was very likely the result of the impoverishment of their ecological habitats following the flood.
and Zoogeographers to attempt to account for the appearance of various similar
kinds of fauna and flora in different parts of the world. Animal life
that multiplies
and migrates the fastest would of course he birds, winged insects,
and amphibians.
Water barriers would not be as great for them as for others, George
Lacock tells
us that "Insects are notorious for their unwelcome invasions of
new lands."30
Locusts and cicada migrate in enormous numbers. Butterflies have been observed
far out at sea. Bats have early invaded areas like Australia, New
Guinea and New
Zealand. Many wingless insects are blown by the winds for hundreds of
The emigration of invertebrates to other lands is likewise known. Walter Heape
writes: "Mass emigration amongst species of invertebrate animals
is no less
common than amongst vertebrates, and when it occurs the numbers of individuals
concerned may frequently be reckoned, not in millions, but in
hundreds or thousands
of millions."31 The prolific increase and invasion of bees, ants, rodents,
and rabbits is well known.
Land Bridges
When water exists between land bodies, how do the biogeographers
account for similarity
of species in both lands? The answer in great measure is that of land bridges.
Authority for the existence of land bridges in the past should be
noted: "The
North Sea lay dry as far as the Dogger Bank at the transition
Maleom S. Rogers says: "During the terminal Pleistocene, the
Bering Strait,
now a fifty six mile wide strip of water ... was a plain a thousand
miles or more
in width."33 H. B. Van heckaren feels that "Also during
the Pleistocene
Java must have been connected repeatedly by land bridges with the
Malay Penninsula."34
It is felt by many of these who espouse land bridge connections that
many occurred
at the close of the Pleistocene time. Walter and Sisson write of the
British Isles:
"From the early postglacial times when northern Ireland was
actually joined
with Scotland ..."35 Geoffrey Bibby says concerning a land bridge
of Africa to Europe: "Only at the end of the ice age was the bridge across
the Mediterranean down."36 Birket and Smith speak of Indonesia: "As
late as in the Ice Age, it was possible to walk through the valleys
of Indochina
to Indonesia and perhaps across New Guinea to Australia and Tasmania."37
David Bergamini is very specific: "By 4700 B.C. Australia was
once more cut
The shallowness of the ocean between continents and continental
islands is a matter
of knowledge. The Shahul shelf between Australia and New Guinea; the
Dogger Bank
between England and France; the Bering Straits between Siberia and
North America;
and the shallow seas between Ceylon and India, Japan and China,
Malaya, Sumatra,
Java and Borneo are well known.
The relative timing for land bridges less than ten
thousand years ago is numerous. Irving Rouse states that Trinidad was attached
to the mainland about 6,000 B.C."39 D. J. Mulvaney says "In the north
the shallow seas which separated Australia from New Guinea and
submerged Carpentia
may be as recent as 6,000 B.C."40 Sherwin Carlquist says Great Britain
was separated from the main land only about seven thousand years ago."41
A geological treatment of the Japanese islands states: "The Holocene (last
10,000 years) is the age when the Japanese Islands finally separated from each
other."42 Wright and Frey write of Beringia: "The land bridge clearly
was in existence during most of the Wisconsin glaciation ........."43
It may be observed that any rise of the ocean waters would occur simultaneously
around the world. Land bridges would be covered at approximately the same time.
Beringia, the Gulf of Gibralter, the China Sea, the Java Sea, the
British Channel,
and the Tasman Sea were covered virtually at the same time.
Giant Mammal Disappearance
It is important also to note that the giant mammals disappeared at a
time. Bob H. Slaughter thus says, "The staggering fact that about 95% of
the North American megafauna became extinct during a short period
some 8,000 years
ago."44 Hester in the same work notes: "It has been demonstrated that
many of them became extinct within a short time between 8,000 and
6,000 B .C."45
John H. Guilday elaborates on Europe and Asia: "The Eurasian
continent lost
elephants, rhinoceri, hippopotami, many bovids, and the large beaver
trogon therisot
Wright and Frey refrain a repeated question: "Why did the most conspicuous
extinctions occur so late and after the last glaciation?"47
Writing of islands
Carlquist observed: "A number of island creatures did not
survive the Pleistocene
."48 The most are mentioned as disappearing at this time.
H. A. Stirton
notes of Australia: "The first Australian aborigines appear in the record
before some of the large marsupials died out."49
McGowen and Hester say of North America: "Mastodon, Columbian
Mammoth, Dire
Wolf, Camels, Horse, Bison occiclentalis, all existing here till past
9,000 years
ago."50 Hopkins says of Beringia, "The abrupt extinction of much
of the mammal fauna about 10,000 years ago is as mysterious an event
in Beringia
as it is in other parts of the world."51 Martin, referring to
Carbon 14 dating
notes: "More dates support the view that extinction in South
America coincides
with or slightly post-dates that in North America. "52
The Biblical Flood
All daring is of course relative, not absolute. The proximity therefore of the
time of the land bridges and the world wide extinctions of giant
mammals is very
close. Is there a plausible answer that an unbudging uniformitarianism may have
discountenanced too long? Is it possible that a world wide climatical
change such
as the Genesis deluge might be the most satisfactory explanation? Dr. Merrill
Unger in his Bible Handbook says the deluge probably took place
before 5,000 B.C.
or over 7,000 years ago.53 Such a time therefore is close to that
for that of both land bridges and animal extinctions.
Genesis 7:23 states that as a result of the severity of the flood: "every
living thing was destroyed upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of
beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the
earth." According
to Genesis the one notable exception was the wide variety of life in
the ark and
in the ocean waters. Besides Noah and his family, Genesis 7:14 reads:
and every beast after his kind, and all cattle after his kind, and everything
that creepcth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his
kind, every
bird of every sort," all went into the ark.
It may be pointed out that the flood itself was of very brief
duration. (Genesis
7:11-12, 17, 24, and 8:3-6, 13-14). Following a deluge of
approximately a year's
length, God said to Noah, "Bring forth with thee every living thing that
is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl and of cattle, and of every creeping
thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth
and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth." Life was thus preserved to
multiply once again in the earth and to migrate over the earth.
The reduction in size of the large herbivores was very likely the result of the
impoverishment of their ecological habitats following the flood. Geographical
areas, such as the Great Sahara and the continent of Australia were once areas
of brimming rivers and abounding vegetation and well within the
Holocene period.
The past 7 or 8 millenia have seen continuing dessication and impoverishment of
vegetation. The larger mammals, such as elephants, hippopotomi and
others require
abundance of food and water to maintain themselves in the wild.
The vast majority of scientists however are so wedded to a Lyellian
quietism that
they would strenuously object to such a cause of extinction as a
worldwide flood.
It should be reemphasized therefore that both the extinctions and the change of
weather were most severe. Frank Hibben writes "It has been estimated that
forty million animals died out at this time."54 Hopkins notes
that "The
great end-Pleistocene extinction coincides with a time of rapid change."55
In the preface of their book Martin and Wright raise the searching
question: "Are
meteorologists prepared to recognize the possibility of a climatic shock wave
of unprecedented dimension within the last 15,000 years?"56
Source of Flood Water
The problem of sufficient water to cover the earth may not he as difficult as
some have imagined. One factor to be considered is the recent elevation of many
of our highest mountains. M. M. Strakhov elaborates: "The Alps,
the Caucuses,
the Central Asiatic ranges, the Altai, the Salair-Saymir ranges, the mountains
of eastern Siberia and the mountainous structures acquired their
present geomorphological
heights during the Quarternary."57 Richard J. Russell says of
the Pleistocene
that it: "witnessed what may have been an unprecendented
rapidity of mountain
uplift in many parts of the earth."58 R. W. VanBemmelen notes: "The
Pleistocene in Indonesia was a period of powerful mountain building," and
again, "in many parts they continued into Holocene times."59 Augusto
Gansser in his geology of the Himalayas writes of his belief,
"The main elevation
of the Himalayas was an event witnessed by the earliest
men."60 Ericson
and Wellin postulate that during this time "the heights of the
Himalaya increased
Rhodes W. Fairhridge: "The last great upsurge apparently culminated in the deluge described in the Old Testament."
by some two thousand meters."61 These are but a few of the
catastrophic changes
in mountain rise during the Ice Age. Augusto Gansser states that "In most
mountain ranges more catastrophic events than is generally believed
occurred during
the Pleistocene to recent glacial phases."62
The extent of water necessary to cover the earth with mountain ranges of lesser
height is perhaps difficult to ascertain. But the following facts may he noted.
Water covers 71% of the earth's surface already. The Pacific ocean is
nearly three
miles in average depth. The Atlantic is over two miles. Alfred Wallace observed
that "the total cubical contents of the laud above sea level would be only
1/36th that of the waters which are below that level."63
One fifth of dry land is flat desert area easily inundated by rising water. The
continent of Australia has less than five percent of its land over 2,000 feet
above the level of the sea.64 Western Siberia is larger by two thirds than the
United States and is one of the most level areas on earth. The
Yucatan Peninsula
has only a very small area in the north centre which rises to about 200 feet in
height.65 "The depression of Europe by six hundred feet would
destroy twothirds
of its landed surface" according to James Bonwick.66 Lorus T.
Milne and Margery
Milne have observed that "If the ocean rose 3,000 feet, three fourths of
the present land area would be under water. "67 What would it take for a
much lower land area of the past?
Has There Been a World-Wide Flood?
Has there been a time when the world oceans arose simultaneously to
inundate the
land? Scientific evidence would point to the time following the
melting of continental
glaciers as a time of unprecedented sea rise. C. C. Reeves Jr., in
from R. F. Dill points out that "widespread submerged cliffs, terraces and
Pleistocene fossils now indicate a Wisconsin lowering (of the ocean) of about
600 ft.68 The melting
of the continental ice thus formed on the continents would release catastrophic
volumes of water. Whitmore, Jr., Emery and Swift point out that
"the present
continental shelf is not older than the Wisconsin glaciation."69 According
to M. T. Mirov, "a sea occupied a considerable area of western
during the Quarternary period.70 Levin and Potapov have recently pointed out "Fundamental
new studies by A. I. Popov radically changed the known facts of the Ice Age in
Western Siberia, The dominant observable phenomena of the Quarternary was one
extensive marine transgression, not a glaciation."71 Milne and Milne point
out that "geologists go back a few thousand years farther to
find clear proof
that the level of the ocean has risen more than four hundred feet
along most coasts.72
The existence of a world-wide flood has of course many complex
problems for modern
science. How modern marsupials returned to Australia from the
Biblical land site
of the ark in Armenia is a problem that cannot be answered at this
time. How modern
Lemurs returned to Madagascar is another. Perhaps more will be uncovered from
the ever increasing knowledge of multiple sciences to answer such
In spite of unavailable solutions to present problems the ability to
explain world
wide extinctions of enormous numbers of mammals within a very short
time remains
unanswered by other explanations. Neither human agency, nor disease,
nor gradual
ecological impoverishment can be the overlying cause or causes. This
author thus
suggests that a world-wide flood needs to be reevaluated by objective
men of science
as a possible cause in the light of the evidences here set forth. The existence
of contemporary land bridges connecting oceanic islands with nearby continents
and of continents connecting each other or larger land bodies,
provides the possibility
of animals migrating hack to former habitats. The effects of both
pluvials and much lower mountain ranges would conceivably allow for major and
even complete submergence of the earth. The effect of melting glacia.
tion would
in turn account for the submergence of former land bridges. The
recency of continental
shelves witness to the former extension of dry land on all continents.
Of necessity this article must have a terminus. It is, however, interesting to
note that a few present day
scientists acknowledge the existence of the Genesis Deluge. William
Foxwell Albright,
America's leading Palestinian archaeologist has written; "I see no reason
any longer for refusing to connect the traditions of the Great Flood
in most regions
of the Eurasia and America including particularly Mesopotamia and Israel with
the tremendous floods accompanying and following the critical melting
of the glaciers
about 9,000 B.C."73
Rhodes W. Fairbridge, another eminent scientist, has written;
"The greatest
and fastest rise yet discovered in the geological record reached its
crest about
6,000 years ago. The cumulative incursion of the sea flooded low-lying coastal
lands in every part of the world. This was the deluge that drowned
the homes and
troubled the legends of the ancients." Elsewhere he specifies; "The
last great upsurge apparently culminated in the deluge described in
the Old Testament."74
To be sure a world-wide deluge is not yet acknowledged by the present
of scientists. But ever accumulating evidence may compel serious reappraisal of
such a catastrophe in the coming years. Old theories have a way of
being renewed
and even made respectable.
1Jerome Wyckoff, Rock, Time and Land Forms, Harper and Row, New York, 1966, p.
2lbid., p. 194.
3Ericson and Wellin, The Deep and the Post, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1964, p.
N. J. Dnnbar, Ecological Development in Polar Regions,
Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1968, p. 60.
5Hallam L. Movius, Jr., Early Man and Pleistocene Stratigrophy,
Cambridge Museum,
1944, p. 9.
6ibid., p. 23.
7Ericson and Wellin, Op. cit., p. 250.
8Riehard F. Flint, Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch, Wiley
PuhI., N.Y.,
N.Y., 1947, p. 4.
9Panl S. Martin and H E. Wright, Pleistocene Extinctions, Yale
University Press, New Haven, 1967, Preface
10ibid., p. 75.
11N, J. Berrill, Inherit the Earth, Dodd, Mead and Co., N.Y. 1966, p. 40.
12William Howell, Back of History, Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y.,
1954, 1). 135.
13Martin and Wright, Op. cit., p. 354.
14Wright and Frey, The Quarternary of the U.S., Princeton, 1965, p. 451.
15Nonnan D, Newell, Crises in the History of Life, Scientific
American, Vol. 208,
No. 2, Feb. 1963, p. 81.
16Bryan Patterson and R. Pascual, The Quarterly Review of Biology, "The Fossil Mammal Fauna of South America", Vol.
43, Oct. 1961,
p. 447.
17ibid., p. 447.
18Georgc G. Simpson, The Geography of Evolution, Philadelphia and New
York, Chilton
Books, 1965, p. 229.
19Daniel Cohen, The Great Dinosaur Disaster, Science Digest, New
York, March 1969,
p. 46.
20Lenn Croizat, Pan Biogeography, Vol. Il-a, Published by Author,
Caracas, Venezuela,
1958, p. 69.
21Bjorn Knrten, The Rate of Evolution, in Science and Archeology, by Bnthwell
and Higgs, Basic Books, Inc., Thames & Hudson, N.Y., p. 219, 1963.
22Jnhn M. BeChervaisc, "Australia, World of Difference, Adelaid
Rugby, Limited,
1967, p. 176.
23Teilhard Do Chardin, The Appearance of Man, Harper and Row, New York, 1956,
p. 80.
24Wright and Frey, Op. Cit., p. 201.
25William E. Scheele, The First Mammals, World Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio,
1955, pp. 70, 110, 116.
26A. S. Rnmer, Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Chicago, 3rd
Edition, 1966,
p. 345.
27J. L. Cloudsley-Yhompson, Animal Behavior, Macmillan, New York,
1961, p. 106.
28Riehard Foster Flint, Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch, John Wiley and Sons, New York, N.Y., 1947, p. 10.
29Alfred Wallace, The Geographical Distribution of Animals,
Co., New York and London, 1962, p. 7 and 10.
30George Laycock, The Alien Animals, Natural History Press,
Doubleday & Co., Garden City, N.Y., p. 10, 1966.
31Walter Heape, Emigration, Migration and Nomadism, Wittef
fer & Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, England, 1931.
p. 133.
Brinkman, Geologic Evolution of Europe, (translated from German) Hafner Pub].
Co., Inc., New York, N.T.
1960, P. 139.
33Roger C. Owen, James Deetz, Anthony Fisher, The North
American Indians, Macmillan, New York, N.Y., 1967, p. 3.
34H. R. Van Heekeren, The Stone Age of Indonesia, 's Graven
bage, M. Nijhoff, 1957. P. 3.
35Walter and Sisson, The British Isles, University of Edinburgh,
Nelson Pub., 1964, p. 2.
36Geoffrey Bibhy, The Testimony of the Spade,
Alfred Kuopf, New York, N.Y., 1956, p. 74.
37Birket-Smith, The Paths of Culture, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1965, P. 456.
38David Bergamini, The Land and Wildlife of Australia, Time,
Inc., New York, N.Y., p. 171.
39lrving Rouse, Prehistory of the West Indies, in Joseph Caldwell, New Roads to
Yesterday, Basic Books, N.Y., N.Y., 1966, P. 380.
40D. J. Mulvaney, The Pleistocene Colonization of Australia, in Antiquity, Vol.
XXXVII, 1964, P. 266. \V. Heffner & Sons, Cambridge, Eng.
4lSherwin Carlquist, Island Life, Natural History Press, for the
Museum of Natural History, 1965, p. 79.
42Associatian for Geological Collaboration at Japan, The Geologic Development
of the Japanese Islands, Tsukki Co., Ltd., 1965, p. 352.
43Wright and Frey, Op. cit., P. 365.
44Martin and Wright, Op. cit., Bob. Slaughter, p. 155.
45bid., P. 170, by Hester.
46John H Guilday, in Martin and Wright, 0p. cit., P. 125.
47Wright and Frey, 0p. cit., P. 520.
48Sherwin Carlquist, Op cit., p. 313.
49R A. Stirton, Time, Life and Man, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1963, P. 352.
50McGowan and Hester, Early Man in the New World, Double
day Anchor Book, P. 196,
51David M. Hopkins, The Bering Land Bridges, Stanford Uni
versity Press, Stanford, Calif., 1967, p. 476.
52P. S. Martin, in Martin and Wright, Op. cit., P. 111.
53Dr. Merrill Unger, Unger's Bible Handbook, Moody Press,
Chicago, 1966, P. 9.
54Frank Ffihhen, The Lost Americans, Thomas Crowell Co.,
New York, 1966, p. 172.
55David M. Hopkins, Op. cit., P. 476.
56Martin and Wright, Op. cit., Preface.
M. Strakhov, Principles of Historical Geology, Part II,
Israel Program for Scientific Translation, Jerusalem, 1962, P. 345.
58Richard J. Russell, Fossil Mammals of Florida, Florida Geo
logical Survey, edited by S. J. Olson, 1959, P. 69.
5911, W. Van Bemmelen, Mountain Building, Martinus Nijhoff,
The Hague, 1954, P. 151.
60Augnsto Gansser, Geology of the Himalayas, John Wiley and
Sons, Ltd., 1964, p. 261.
61Ericson and Wellin, The Deep and the Past, Alfred I. Knopf,
New York, 1964, P. 243.
62Augusto Gaosser, Op. cit., p. 34.
63Wallace, Alfred, The Geographical Distribution of Animals,
Hefner, N.Y., 1962, p. 36.
64Barrett, Charles, Blackfellows of Australia, C.M.Z.S., London and
N.Y., P. 4,
65Roncek, Joseph S., in Collier's Encyclopedia 23, Crowell
Collier Co., 1964, p. 713.
66James Bonwick, Daily Life of the Tasmanians, Johnson Re
print Co., London, 1870, p. 249.
67Lorus T. Milne and Margcry Milnc, The Mountains, Time,
Inc., New York, N.Y., 1962, p. 44.
68G. C. Reeves, Jr., Developments in Sedimentology, Elsevier
Publishing Co., Amsterdam, London, N.Y., 1968, p. 164.
69Whitmore, Jr., Emery and Swift, "Elephant Teeth From the
Atlantic Continental
Shelf" from Science, Vol. 156, No. 3781, June 16, 1967, 1). 1477.
70CM. T. Mirov, Geography of Russia, John Wiley and Sons,
New York and London, 1951, p. 91.
7lLevin and Potapov, The Peoples of Siberia, University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1964, Footnote p. 14.
72Milne and Milne, Pattern of Survival, Prentice Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1967, p. 305.
73William F. Albright, From Stone Age to Christianity, John
Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1957, p. 9.
74Rhodes W. Fairbridge, The Changing Level of the Sea,
Scientific American, May 1960, Vol. 202, No. 5, p. 75, 70.