in Christian Perspective
CRITIQUE of "The Dying of the Giants"
Roger J. Cuffey
Department of Geology and Geophysics
The Pennsylvania
State University
University Park, Pa. 16802
From: JASA 22 (September 1970): 94-96
The detailed findings of a science are known mostly by long training
and experience
in that science, and therefore are known fully only by the
professionals in that
science. Consequently, when the professional scientist then
criticizes this conclusion,
the untrained person (and many others like him, all basically
sympathetic to his
position rather than to the professional's ideas) does not appreciate the force
of the scientist's criticisms but instead feels that the professional
has "sold
out" and can no longer recognize truth when it is presented to him. I hope
that pointing this out now will enable all concerned to read the
following comments
on "The Dying of the Giants," in a more objective manner. I have not
documented these cornments with quotations, partly because of lack of time, but
more because most readers would not be able to tell from the quotes themselves
that they came much closer to reality than do the implications drawn from the
quotes in the manuscript here under review.
To some extent at least, the author quotes passages out of context in order to
support his ideas. Because he presumably does not agree with the overall views
of the writers of those passages, such is unavoidable in some cases; however,
to my own mind, there seems to be an excessive amount of this. Also,
many of the
passages quoted are more in the nature of literary exaggerations than accurate
scientific statements (like Eiseley's quote). One feels that, if an author uses
statements like these, there probably aren't corresponding careful scientific
statements and therefore the scientific facts don't really support the author's
contentions; in this particular case, I think that that is is a
justified inference.
Finally, some of the passages quoted indicate that the author is not aware of
basic geologic data, and his use of such passages as support weakens
his overall
case. For example, he implies that continental shelves are quite a
recent development,
whereas in fact they have been around for many
millions of years (since the Jurassic, about 150 million years ago, in the case
of the U. S. East Coast).
The main thesis of the article depends upon the large-scale extinctions which
took place at the end of the Pleistocene. There is a great deal of
about these extinctions. This misunderstanding is in part due to lack
of detailed
familiarity with the situation on the part of both popular-science
writers (like
Cohen) and geological writers who have not worked themselves with the situation
firsthand (like Newell). Several points should be made in this regard.
This paper is a good example of how an honestly sincere person, untrained in a particular science, can read extensively in that science, collect numerous quotations from his readings, and put these together into a scientifically objectionable conelusion.
First, the Late Pleistocene extinctions were no more extensive than
those at many
other times when some groups of organisms died out. Compared with the
occurring at the end of the Devonian, Permian, Cretaceous, and Oligocene, the
Pleistocene extinctions in fact seem rather minor in the number of
organisms affected.
Are we then going to postulate world-wide deluges at frequent
intervals throughout
past geologic history, with the Biblical Deluge being the last one?
The historical
development of the science of earth history did exactly this, because
it is logically
inescapable; and this solution worked, for awhile-until increased
knowledge forced
all scientists concerned with the problems to abandon the notion of worldwide
catastrophes as being untenable explanations for past geologic events.
Second, the Late Pleistocene extinctions affected mostly those large
mammals which
other evidence indicates were involved with early man as food sources, enemies,
or environmental competitors. Admittedly the fossil record is not as complete
as we'd like, but it certainly is adequately enough known already to
show clearly
that small vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants were not
significantly affected.
(By the way, rodents
and rabbits are not invertebrates.)
Third, the Late Pleistocene extinctions took place gradually, over a period of
many thousands of years, and not all at the very end of Pleistocene times. Some
of the groups involved (such as the various elephants) had actually
reached their
evolutionary climax back in the Pliocene (5-10 million years ago),
and were already
in a state of decline, with only a few members like the mastodon and
mammoth around
by the end of the Pleistocene. Some species disappear from the record back in
the midst of the fourth glacial (Wurm or Wisconsinan) 30,000 years ago, others
disappeared as the glaciers were in full retreat 15,000 years ago, still others
survive into post-glacial (Recent or Holocene) times only to die out
about 8,000
years ago, or 4,000 years ago, or even (like the moribund American bison) 100
years ago. Geologic age dating techniques have a small
margin of error, but this is small enough that there is no doubt that the Late
Pleistocene extinction episode spread over many years and was not sudden at all in terms of human chronology (as a flood would have
been). But
note that this still is relatively rapid geologically, so that one
can find sentences
in geologic literature which refer to "sudden" or "rapid"
extinctions, and quote them to give the impression that geologists' data could
be explained by a very sudden flood which none of those geologists
would accept.
Fourth, the Late Pleistocene extinctions occur at a time when
significant climatic
and geographic changes (due to the retreat and melting of the
glaciers) and significant
ecologic changes (due to advances in the way of life of early man)
were gradually
taking place. Times of change in the geologic past have always put
organisms under
considerable environmentalevolutionary pressure, and have always
resulted in some
animals becoming extinct. Consequently, there is nothing unique or
special about
Late Pleistocene events which makes desirable the suggestion of a
world-wide deluge
as an agency for extinction, particularly since
a combination of these already-known, gradual environmental changes can in fact
(contrary to the author's assertions) adequately explain the observed changes
in the large-mammal fauna.
The mountain uplifts which occurred during the Pleistocene were not
at all sudden
or catastrophic, as the author implies. Throughout the Pleistocene, a
man living
in even the most actively uplifting areas would not, in his lifetime,
have noticed
any significant changes whatever, because the uplift went on at such
a slow, gradual
pace. The uplift was not restricted to Pleistocene times, moreover;
these uplifts
generally began back during the Miocene (15-20 million years ago),
and have continued
right up until today. They are still proceeding in many parts of the
world; from
this, it can more readily be appreciated how noncatastrophic such
geological events
really are.
Changes in sea level and in the configurations of land and sea, due
to the melting
of the Pleistocene ice
sheets, likewise have been quite gradual and noncatastrophic in nature. At the
height of the last glaciation (15-20,000 years ago), sea level throughout the
world was lower than at present by about 600 feet. This exposed many
shallow sea
floors as dry land, and therefore many "land bridges" existed at that
time. As soon as the glaciers began to retreat (by melting) from this maximum
extent, sea level began to rise gradually, leaving a series of beaches, bars,
terraces, cliffs, and other coastal features (many containing
accurately datable
materials) across the shallow sea
The Late Pleistocene extinctions (1) were no more extensive than those at many other times, (2) affected mostly those large mammals involved with early man, and (3) took place gradually over a period of many thousands of years, (4) occur at a time when significant climatic and geographic changes were gradually taking place.
bottoms of our present-day continental shelves. By carefully studying
and mapping
these nowsubmerged coastal features, we can trace the gradual rise in sea level
from about 15,000 years ago till about 6,000 years ago, when sea level reached
essentially its present position. Again it is well worth stressing
that this rise
was gradual, non-catastrophic, and thoroughly unifonrsitarian in character, in
spite of numerous quotations which give an erroneous impression of
the possibility
of a sudden catastrophic flood, I think it needs to be pointed out that there
is no physical or geomorphologic evidence for a world-wide deluge,
although there
is such evidence for much less worldshaking floadings in various places. One of
the most interesting of these, in connection with the Biblical Flood, is that
(as shown by careful studies of sediment layers and their datable
contents) there
was about 4,000 B.C., a somewhat more rapid rise than average as sea level was
rising to near its present level. This episode was a rise of 20 feet
in sea level
over a period of about 60 years, a rise which would have been observable within
a man's lifetime and which would have inundated large areas of the relatively
low-lying coastal plains inhabited by early civilizations. Some
geologists think
that this conceivably could be the basis for the flood recorded in Genesis.
Some of the Pleistocene animals were in fact giants compared to their
descentants. However, at least as many groups are represented today
by largersized
individuals than were their Pleistocene predecessors.
I think it needs to be pointed out there is no physical or geomorphologic evidence for a worldwide deluge.
Moreover, the Pleistocene giants were outnumbered
considerably by "normal-sized"
cousins living alongside them. Because the giant animals are more spectacular
both for writing books and for making museum displays, one can easily get the
unintenionally biased and inaccurate impression that Pleistocene
faunas were composed
of giants.
The author reveals his feelings that only a catastrophic view of
geologic history
can adequately explain the observed events of the Pleistocene record; he makes
unfavorable asides about uniformitarianism's faults as a scientific
way of operating.
Van de Fliert's article in the September 1969 Journal ASA adequately
rebuts this
anti-uniformitarianism so widely accepted among evangelical scholars;
I see no need to further comment on this erroneous view of earth science. Also,
please note my earlier comments here stressing the gradualness of
Late Pleistocene
events, in contrast to the catastrophic suddenness incorrectly implied by many
of the author's quotations.