- A Note from the Session
- At its regular meeting this past Tuesday, the Session took the following action to complete matters pertaining to the trial of Dr. Terry Gray. Last August, the Session found Dr. Terry Gray guilty of the offense of "stating that Adam had primate ancestors, contrary to the Word of God (Genesis 2:7, 1:26, 27) and the doctrinal standards of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (WCF IV 2, WLC 17)". Now that all appeals have been denied, the Session of Harvest Orthodox Presbyterian Church pronounced the proposed censure on Dr. Terry Gray.
- "In the name and by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, as an act of the whole church, the Session of Harvest Orthodox Presbyterian Church pronounces on Dr. Terry Gray the censure of indefinite suspension from the office of ruling elder."
- Indefinite suspension means that although Dr. Gray remains a full communicant member of Harvest Church in good standing, and is free to all the privileges and responsibilities of such, he is suspended from being a ruling elder until he resolves his position in keeping with the ruling of the Church. Suspension is a temporary measure of discipline (as opposed to deposition) during which time the Session will be working with Dr. Gray in hopes that he might be restored as soon as possible.
The Session thanked Dr. Gray for his humility and godly demeanor throughout the trial process. We ask the congregation to join us in continual prayer that God will give great wisdom to Terry and Sheri as they respond to this ruling. The Session also wishes to thank the congregation for your prayers on our behalf as we sought to honor God and serve the church in this matter. Above all, we thank our Loving God who has enabled us to "keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Eph 4:3). May God's gracious love for us continue to be deeply reflected in our gracious love for each other as we continue to walk together for the glory of our Lord Jesus!