Karl Jalkanen
Karl James Jalkanen,
Visiting Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- Theoretical Molecular Biophysics/Biochemistry. Ab initio, semi-empirical
and molecular mechanics method development and applications to model
biological molecules, d.h., proteins and carbohydrates. We are
interested in studing the structural properties of the individual
molecules, how they are affected by an aqueous environment and then the
interactions between proteins and protein and carbohydrate molecules in
the presense of water. We are also interested in predicting protein
secondary and tertialy structure from amino acid sequence via
spectroscopic data, d.h. IR absorption, Raman Scattering, vibrational
circular dichroism and differential Raman scattering.
- Email: jalkanen@calvin.edu
Phone: (616) 957-6798