I don't know who wrote that god is a "concept" however lets carry that one step futher? You yourself may be but a concept? Check out "Solipsism"! What pray tell is not a concept if you really want to be a stickler about it! The earth is a wasting asset charging idiotically
thru space, man on its back like fleas on a dog! We don't know where we came from nor where we are going why with any degree of certainity we don't even know where we are! What, I ask you could lend itself to more insecurity? What then could be more rootless? Is it not then, given this precarious situation, "human" to desire a father "protector" figure? Or are you one of these "avant garde" super humans who enjoys existing in "limbo"?
What I ask you is there to fear in a god concept? Are you of the opinion that this "narcotic,
this opiate" will render you impotent? Are you (as you would have it) thus then the antithesis of impotence with out it [god]? One could view religion & its god as a club to which you might be better to be a member of than not? If you dig deep enough into anything man made you shall encounter flaws! Religion should, as should all things, be handled in such a fashion whereby one simply embraces that which suits them & rejects that which does not, Nést-ce pas? I personally believe the 10 commandments are a beautiful piece of common sense & virtue, it matters not where they came from they stand on their own as "what it should be human to be" of course it may still be intellectually "avant garde" to be an atheist or would Nietzche who argued that "god is dead" change his tune, he who claimed that knowledge is never objective but always serves some interest or unconscious purpose! His ideal was the "ubermensch" or superman who would impose his will on the weak & worthless! He'd have a ball with some of the pseudo intellectuals on this list! Is it not better to see your self as you really are than for others to see you as you wish you were? Oh well, hail (not hail mary) coming down here in Amsterdam like hell won't have it! If the idea of god & the purpose of religion is to save mankind I'm all for it, be there a father in heaven or not. After all "whatever gets you through the night!"
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