Re: macroevolution or macromutations? (was ID) 1/2

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Thu Jun 29 2000 - 18:39:55 EDT

>>SJ>Why shouldn't an atheist, *on atheistic principles*, simply look after
>>>Number 1, as far as possible without provoking a counter reaction?

Because he/she has a conscience and senses of justice, compassion, dignity,

Why do *you* act in a moral way? Is it just fear of God's punishment and/or
desire for God's reward? If it was proven to you that God did not exist, do
you think you would become totally immoral? Or do you have your own senses
of justice and compassion? If the latter, then why do you think atheists
can't have such senses?

Richard Wein (Tich)

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