Re: Independent support for Behe's thesis?

Date: Sun Jun 18 2000 - 12:22:22 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: macroevolution or macromutations?"

    Bertvan wrote:

    << Denton, Nelson and Wells are scientists, >>


    Well, Denton is... sort of..

    But Wells and Nelson?

    I'd say Bert needs to drop her hero-worship for a bit.

    Wells has a total of THREE publications in which actual original research is
    presented related to biology.

    3 publications may a scientist make... in the creationist community, anyway.
    I had 3 publications as a 3rd year grad student.

    Nelson is definitely not a scientist. He has done no original scientific
    research at all.
    From the ARN site:
    Paul A. Nelson received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago Department
    of Philosophy.
    He has no scientific publications.

    Please do not drag down the profession by calling op-ed writers and
    propagandists 'scientists'....

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