Stephen Jones wrote:
SJ>The fact that Susan cannot show what else an atheist can
>believe in except some form of evolution proves my point that
>"atheists have no option but to believe in some form of
WRE>Just because Susan didn't mention Raelianism doesn't mean that
WRE>it doesn't exist.
SJ>I note that Wesley also does not "show what else an atheist can
SJ>believe in except some form of evolution"!
SJ>Thus Wesley as well, confirms my point that "atheists have no
SJ>option but to believe in some form of evolution":
SJ>"One can be a theistic `Darwinian,' but no one can be an
SJ>atheistic "Creationist." (Wilcox D.L., in Buell J. & Hearn V., eds.,
SJ>"Darwinism: Science or Philosophy?" 1994, p.215.
Raelians are anti-evolutionists, but not theists. The set of
atheist anti-evolutionist Raelians is non-empty. Stephen's
assertion is counter-factual.
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