Re: Life

From: Steve Clark (
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 13:17:27 EDT

  • Next message: "Life"

    It is a mystery to me why you think science can explain everything.

    At 12:41 PM 06/05/2000 -0400, wrote:
    >Free will, consciousness, intelligence, purpose, creativity, spontaneity and
    >choice are all characteristics of life. So far no one has been able to
    >define or describe them naturalistically. If science insists upon limiting
    >itself to those things that can be described naturalistically, science should
    >limit its attempted explanations to dead systems. With microscopes and
    >technology we are able to observe life. We cam detect tiny details of the
    >design and deduce their limited purposes. We can manipulate pieces of the
    > We can't even observe evolution. We can only guess what happened and
    > when.
    >Those scientists who deny free will, consciousness, intelligence, purpose,
    >creativity, spontaneity and choice as a part of the process, merely because
    >science is unable to explain such qualities naturalistically, are entitled to
    >make their guesses about evolution. Those scientists who acknowledge free
    >will, consciousness, intelligence, purpose, creativity, spontaneity and
    >choice as characteristics of life may or may not achieve a better
    >understanding of the process. If science wants to limit itself to phenomena
    >that can be explained naturalistically, it should not try to explain life.

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