Re: ID

From: Richard Wein (
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 20:12:16 EDT

  • Next message: "Suspicions aroused..."

    Hello Bertvan

    >Hi Richaard. The Kansas school board, and every ID I've heard of, favor
    >teaching children orthodox Darwinism. It is the accepted theory in the
    >today, and of course children should know it. They merely suggest children
    >should also be aware that some scientists hold dissenting views.

    I have no objection to informing children that a tiny minority of scientists
    hold dissenting views. If that was all the anti-evolutionists wanted, there
    would probably be no problem. But you're wrong. They're demanding much more
    than that. Indeed, the Kansas school board removed references to evolution
    and the age of the Earth from the state education standards. And IDers are
    trying to have ID taught in public schools.

    It seems to me you're seriously understating the aims of IDers. I find it
    hard to believe that Phillip Johnson "favor[s] teaching children orthodox

    Richard Wein (Tich)

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