Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 11:51:30 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Clark: "Re: ID"

    Steve C:
    >I believe in a designed universe. I only oppose ID as being
    >scientific. In my opinion, ID is a metaphysical program, not a scientific
    >one. Science gets weird when people inappropriately attach metaphysical
    >paradigms to scientific ones. This gets back to my earlier point that we
    >need to be clear on what is science as well as what is not science.

    >The continuing theme of my crusade is to point out the folly of
    >inappropriately attaching metaphysical constructs to science. The
    >propensity to do this plays a part in the growing public antipathy to
    >science. It results in strange views of what science is and how it should
    >be done. Science has limits on what it can accomplish and neither Dawkins
    >nor Johnson are correct in telling us that science proves their particular
    >world view. It does not.

    Hi Steve:
    We agree about more than we disagree, and our differences seem to me a matter
    of emphasis. You even believe the universe is designed; you merely want the
    concept excluded from science. You believe attaching metaphysical paradigms
    to science "causes science to get weird". I suggest "weird" will remain
    whether a part of science or not, but science would not be entitled to
    comment upon it. You believe metaphysical constructs play a part in growing
    public antipathy to science. I believe greater cause of antipathy to science
    would be a public impression that science was substituting philosophical
    naturalism for methodological naturalism. I believe philosophy can not be
    excluded from science. The ideal might be for each scientist to discard his
    personal philosophy when doing science, but neither Dawkins nor Denton could
    do that. I don't believe they should. While disagreeing with you on some
    points, I can respect and understand your reasoning. I have no hope or
    desire to convert anyone to ID who is already committed to another position.
    I only urge tolerance and understanding of another view point.


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