Re: depressing reality

Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 14:21:58 EDT

  • Next message: "Intelligent Design"

    > In response to The Bell Curve a number of people in the media and
    >scientific community played up research that shows that only an
    >minuscule percentage of the human genome has anything to do with racial
    >ethnic differences

    Anyone else actually read the book? Could anyone please comment on their
    statistical methodology? Seemed OK to me but my math is not so good.

    Seems to me that there is a basic defect in their reasoning. (using the
    words black and white as a convenience) When mass IQ tests were first
    given this country was strictly segregated and there was no social or
    financial reason for white people to pass as black. In the 50's the book
    "Black Like me," (I think that was the name) was a stupendus revelation
    because it was written by a white person who consumed a chemical which
    turned his skin dark. It was mind-boggeling that a white person would do
    this to himself.

    Now days there is a financial benefit and for the lower classes, social
    benefits to passing as black. When the City of Seattle adopted
    promotional preference for minorities several "white" people turned
    black. A black person is anyone who claims that classification. Thus the
    designation "black" doesn't have anything to so with race but classifies
    people who for social and financial reasons claim to be black.

    Are white genes are so strongly regressive and black genes so strongly
    dominant that extreme dilution of the black genes is immaterial to the
    physical quality of blackness? If so, then it is a miracle that there are
    any white people at all and humans must have segregated themselves by
    skin color
    right from the get go.

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