Re: name of doctor

From: David Bradbury (
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 17:06:53 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: Intelligent Design"

    Dear "Bertvan" --- Perhaps the following may assist in providing an answer to
    your recent question.

     Dr. Randolph C. Byrd published such data in SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 81,
    No. 7, July 1988. This is an experiment involving 383 patients over a 10 month
    period that strongly suggests/supports positive favorable influence of
    (double-blind)"Intercessory Prayer". Data was collected at the Cardiology
    Div. of San Francisco General Medical Center assisted by the Dep't. of Medicine,
    Unif. of California, San Fancisco.
     Should you have any problem obtaining a copy, email your snailmail address and
    I'll get one off to you.

    Dave Bradbury----(and thanks for calling me 'hon'.) wrote:

    > hi hon,
    > Can you remember the name of that doctor who scientifically tested the power
    > of prayer on illness? He wrote several books.
    > love mom

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