Intelligeng Design

Date: Wed May 03 2000 - 14:17:48 EDT

  • Next message: "ID, p.s. to Susan"

    >Neither you nor Stephen have answered
    >my question about what immaterialist-supernaturalist science would look
    >like. For example: what if you wanted to find out what lightening is and
    >what causes it. How would you use the idea of "design" or "immaterialism"
    >to investigate the phenomenon?

    Hi Susan,
    An ID scientist would go beyond an explanation of how lightening happens, and
    seek explanations of what purpose it serves in keeping the earth healthy and
    One big difference between ID science and materialist science would be that
    ID science wouldn't have much use for the terms "junk" and "random",
    believing that each piece of nature is an integral part of the whole -- a
    rational part of the design. Also, ID scientists would probably be content to
    leave abiogenesis research ot the materialists. I could probably think of
    other differences. Would you be content to allow to everyone to pursue their
    science according to their individual philosophy? Or are you determined to
    "stamp out" ID? I have no desire to "stamp out" materialism.



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