Re: Nature article: Neanderthals not human ancestors

Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 09:24:13 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Nature article: Neanderthals not human ancestors"

    In a message dated 3/29/00 1:44:25 AM Dateline Standard Time, writes:

    >Modern humans do not have Neanderthal ancestors in their family tree, a new
    >DNA study concludes.
    >The DNA extracted from the ribs of a Neanderthal infant buried in southern
    >Russia 29,000 years ago was found to be too distinct from modern human DNA
    >to be related.
    >"There wasn't much, if any mixture, between Neanderthals and modern humans,"
    >said William Goodwin, of the University of Glasgow, UK. "Though they
    >co-existed, we can't find any evidence of genetic material being passed from
    >Neanderthals to modern humans."
    >The new work, published in the journal Nature, contradicts recent evidence
    >from ancient remains of a child found in Portugal, which appeared to combine
    >Neanderthal and human features. Those researchers concluded that some
    >interbreeding must have taken place.

    If interbreeding took place, then according to standard biological definitions
    (important in evolution), Neanderthals and Homo were actually the same


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