Re: Quality of the fossil record through time

From: Stephen E. Jones (
Date: Sun Mar 26 2000 - 08:22:32 EST

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: Selective nature of fossilization."


    I don't know what's goimg on here. I posted this on the 3 February 200,
    trying out my webmail at work. I posted the same message to the other List
    I am on and it has surfaced there as well after all this time.

    When I saw they failed to show up on the List, I had already reposted them
    from my home machine, so they are old news.



    On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 16:50:45 +0800, wrote:

    >Check out the latest NATURE which has a letter from Benton, et. al.,
    >arguing that the fossil record at the level of family for the past 540
    >million years, provides "uniformly good documentation of the life of
    >the past".


    "The 'modern evolutionary synthesis' convinced most biologists that natural
    selection was the only directive influence on adaptive evolution. Today,
    however, dissatisfaction with the synthesis is widespread, and creationists
    and antidarwinians are multiplying. The central problem with the synthesis
    is its failure to show (or to provide distinct signs) that natural selection of
    random mutations could account for observed levels of adaptation." (Leigh
    E.G., Jr, "The modern synthesis, Ronald Fisher and creationism," Trends in
    Ecology and Evolution, vol. 14, no. 12, pp.495-498, December 1999,
    Stephen E. Jones | |

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