Re: the creative power of random mutation and natural selection? (was An introduction #2)

From: Tedd Hadley (
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 21:10:46 EST

  • Next message: Allen & Diane Roy: "Re: Dennett's bad word and Johnson's question"

    "Richard Wein" writes
      in message <008001bf9465$6b17e8c0$>:

    > >It would only be "an interesting discovery" if it faithfully modelled
    > >biological reality. Where is the evidence from the *real* world that the
    > >vertebrate camera eye evolved by random mutation and natural selection in
    > >"less than half a million years"?
    > That's another question. I was just giving you the single most impressive
    > (to me) piece of evidence of the power of natural selection to produce
    > complexity.

       Like Richard, I thought Stephen was asking for that as well.

       Is the view put forth by Stephen and MikeBGene (and others
       expressing ID or varieties of the creationist position on this
       list) that natural selection is unquestionably powerful in
       concept and theoretically capable of extreme complexity, but it
       just didn't play as big of a role in the formation of life as
       evolutionists normally claim?

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