the *fantastic* molecular machinery of the cell

Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 10:10:52 EST

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: Disbelieving Darwin and Feeling No Shame, by William Dembski"

    Hi Cliff,

    Don't you think you are being unfair to Steve? I've never heard him
    criticize any aspect of evolution except Darwinism. (random mutation and
    natural selection as an explanation of macro evolution.) You criticize that

    You seem to have some thoughts about the role symbiosis played in evolution.
    Do you have any web links which discuss it? I read (in fact I bought)
    Hpyersea by the McMenamins. These days ideas are several years old by the
    time they appear in a book, but if you know some a book which would be
    particularly helpful I'd be eager to try it.


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