Re: ARN board...

Date: Sun Mar 19 2000 - 17:56:37 EST

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: Disbelieving Darwin and Feeling No Shame, by William Dembski"

    In a message dated 3/19/00 5:28:34 AM Dateline Standard Time, Huxter4441

    >Mike Gene writes, regarding the 'sterility' of ID:
    >>" ID could have indeed led me to discover proofreading during
    >Could have.... It seems.

    Sure. ID gave me the hypothesis and all that was needed were the experiments
    to test it.

    >however, that evolution led evolutionists to find it years before you even
    tried to think >up ways that ID might be useful.
    Evolutionary views did not lead to this discovery, just as they had little to
    do with almost every discovery about molecular and cellular biology.

    >Mike continued:
    >>"It led Harvey to figure out how the circulatory system works."
    >As if that would have never been figured out.....

    I am NOT arguing that ID is essential. I was REACTING to the claim that ID
    is a sterile hypothesis and scientific dead end. Those who make this claim
    have absolutely no experience trying to use ID, thus their claim is rooted in
    pure ignorance (and usually, a deep-seated hostility against teleological

    The fact remains that ID is not sterile, useless, or a dead end. I know that
    now and
    experience trumps all rhetoric.


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