Re: An introduction

Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 19:57:06 EST

  • Next message: Cliff Lundberg: "Re: Obituaries William D. Hamilton; Biologist Helped to Advance Darwinism, etc"

    >Ah, it's 2d law time again. It comes up about twice a year.

    This seems about the frequency.

    It also seems that often when this comes up Stephen Jones quotes his
    favorite passage from Del Ratsch about some evolutionists mistaking some
    anti-evolution arguments by some creationists that invoke the 2nd law in
    a cosmic context for anti-evolution arguments that invoke the 2nd law in
    a specific context related to biological evolution on Earth. He keeps
    bringing up the quote even though it has long ago been pointed out to
    him that *both* the cosmic *and* the Earth-based arguments are
    completely bogus anyway. Because neither version is correct, I fail to
    see the point of repeatedly bringing the quote up.

    David Bowman

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