An introduction

Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 08:42:02 EST

  • Next message: "Marxism and Darwinism"

    One criterion is the basing of theories on empirical evidence. Of course,
    there's room for a certain amount of speculation in science, but that should
    be labelled as such and there must be a kernel of empirical evidence.
    Another criterion is the rejection of invalid arguments -- in pseudoscience
    such as creationism, invalid arguments are allowed to stand long after they
    have been shown to be invalid. As an example I would mention the ridiculous
    argument that the theory of evolution is incompatible with the second law of

    Well, I expect that to stir up some arguments! ;-)

    Hi Tich,

    A few more evolutionists like you and this controversy would die on the vine.
     I applaud your honesty. Your lack of arrogance is refreshing. I hope you
    stay around, whether you remain a staunch evolutionist or become interested
    in alternatives. I can't find anything in your post to challenge, but keep
    posting. Maybe I'll find something.

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