Re: Stone Age man wasn't so dumb , etc

From: Cliff Lundberg (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 20:04:42 EST

  • Next message: paul gauthier: "Ascension Paradigm"

    Stephen E. Jones wrote:

    >>Our ancestors should not have been doing these sophisticated
    >>things for another 40,000 years at least. ... At Blombos, we have
    >>African hunter-gatherers at 80,000 years ago doing many things
    >>associated with the Late Stone Age "cultural explosion" 40,000 to
    >>30,000 years ago - when Homo sapiens arrived in Europe for the
    >>first time.

    > [More confirmation of the
    >Biblical picture that man was originally advanced but fell away.]

    Stephen, could you elaborate on this? In the first place, I don't know
    that anyone ever deduced a 40-80K history of man from the bible.
    But anyway, surely the fall was not a fall away from technology,
    but rather a loss of innocence.

    Of course this is a point against man-from-chimp.

    >>new state of nuclear matter, a quark-gluon plasma, which CERN
    >>described as "the primordial soup in which quarks and gluons
    >>existed before they clumped together as the universe cooled down." .

    >[Interesting that they use the same "primordial soup" terms to describe the
    >origin of the universe as they do for the origin of life!]

    It's interesting that physicists get respect and credence for outlandish
    speculations, while biologists don't dare to speculate about mechanisms
    explaining the Cambrian Explosion.

    >>?:They genetically engineered mouse cells to produce extra insulin,
    >>but the cells did not release the insulin until "told" to do so by a drug
    >>given orally.... "It will make gene therapy safer because you can shut it
    >>off and more effective because you can fine-tune the effects of the gene

    >[This sounds *very* promising and might avoid ethical problems.]

    This also avoids the problem of patients being virtually cured and no
    longer needing to buy drugs.

    --Cliff Lundberg  ~  San Francisco  ~

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