A genetic marker for suicide?

From: Bertvan@aol.com
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 17:31:15 EST

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: Secular humanism"

    Susan said:
    >. Also it's pretty darned
    >obvious when schizophrenia is the problem, and I'm pretty sure there's a
    >test for it.

    Hi Susan,
    Please tell me more about this test for schizophrenia-which you are pretty
    sure exists!!

    >again, there are several "regular" physical diseases that have no test and
    >the doctor must rely on the patient's report

    Are there any which are not apparent after an autopsy?

    >here the report is talking about severe mental illness--not the kind of
    >neurosis that is treatable by talk therapy. The report is talking about
    >people who would have been institutionalized 30 years ago, but are now
    >living reasonably normal lives because of their medication.

    Neurosis might be treatable by talk therapy but is it curable?
    Are drugged mental patients living reasonably normal lives, or are they
    merely drugged and docile. Personally I don't know the answer, but I
    wouldn't rely upon psychiatrists or drug companies for the answer. Without
    the protests of ex-mental patients psychiatry would still be performing
    lobotomies. They do still administer Shock Therapy in some states. There
    are many psychiatrists and organizations of ex-mental patients who claim
    such treatments, including drugs, merely produce brain damage. Following are
    just a few of them.


    >except that the drugs uesed to treat schizophrenia and psychosis work. Why
    >is that I wonder?
    >because the drugs work. Why does that make this jerk so mad?

    Again , Susan, anyone who disagrees with you on any subject is a jerk, right?
     Why do I care?
    I defend anyone's right to express a view. People in possession of the truth
    don't have to resort to ridicule and name-calling.


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