Thank you.
As to cutting your e-mails, unless one wants to send a 100k email (and I
don't, I cut and then respond to the relevant portion. There is no intent
to distort what you say. It has been done like this on internet since the
So everyone will know, parts of Stephens message has been cut. If you want
to see the original go see it.
>GM>Stephen has corrected twice me on a mis-attribution of one quote in
>>Morris was quoting another fellow. He has never before, to the best of my
>>remembrance, made this accusation before. His accusation is not true and
>>anyone who wants to go check any of the books and articles I have quoted
>>welcome to, in fact I would encourage it so that they can see that I have
>>not done what Stephen libelously claims. Whether Stephen is lying here or
>>not I don't know.
>I appreciate that Glenn does not immediately assume that I was
>lying and gives me the opportunity to correct my *mistake*. This is
>what Susan and Chris should have done if they were really
>interested in getting at the truth and not just in discrediting their
>opponents in order to silence them.
>GM>I do know he is absolutely wrong and he shouldn't make
>>such charges unless he has a good lawyer or has the statistics to back up
>>claim like this. I think he should apologize.
>See above where I have publicly apologised to Glenn about erroneously
>giving the impression that Glenn cuts text out of *quotes* without
>BTW Glenn's reference to a "lawyer" is unhelpful.
Libel is unhelpful also!
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