BV>I don't believe a rational discussion can be carried on with anyone who
>people with whom they disagree liars. None of the "Darwinists" on this
>seem to disavow the tactic, so my remarks are directed to those lurkers
>might not be certain of the details of their philosophy.
GM>Considering that I wasn't even in that discussion yet it was erroneously
>stated that I clip data out of quotes I don't know exactly what to call
>what Stephen has done. He wrote:
>>SJ>If I wanted to hide something I wouldn't insert ellipses. I would
>>>have just cut out the text and joined it without ellipses, like Glenn
>>>often does.
I did not say that Glenn "clips data out of quotes". I said that Glenn
"cuts out the text and joined it without ellipses". I was referring to
Glenn's practice of cutting out the text of my *emails* with no
ellipses. I have often pointed this out to Glenn but he just ignores it
and keeps doing it.
Just recently he even cut out some words of my email, changed
the punctuation and capitalisation, and did not insert ellipses. I
brought this publicly to Glenn's attention several times, but he just
ignored it.
But to be fair to Glenn, my comment above about Glenn "cutting
out the text and joined it without ellipses" was in the context of
cutting text out of *quotes*, so some may have thought I meant that
Glenn cuts text out of *quotes* without ellipses. Such was *not* my
intention. I wish to state categorically that I have *no* complaints
on this score with Glenn's *quotes*, and I wish to apologise
unreservedly for giving the misleading impression that Glenn cuts
text out of *quotes* without ellipses.
GM>Stephen has corrected twice me on a mis-attribution of one quote in
>Morris was quoting another fellow. He has never before, to the best of my
>remembrance, made this accusation before. His accusation is not true and
>anyone who wants to go check any of the books and articles I have quoted
>welcome to, in fact I would encourage it so that they can see that I have
>not done what Stephen libelously claims. Whether Stephen is lying here or
>not I don't know.
I appreciate that Glenn does not immediately assume that I was
lying and gives me the opportunity to correct my *mistake*. This is
what Susan and Chris should have done if they were really
interested in getting at the truth and not just in discrediting their
opponents in order to silence them.
GM>I do know he is absolutely wrong and he shouldn't make
>such charges unless he has a good lawyer or has the statistics to back up
>claim like this. I think he should apologize.
See above where I have publicly apologised to Glenn about erroneously
giving the impression that Glenn cuts text out of *quotes* without
But I stand by my claim that Glenn has cut text out of my *emails*
without ellipses. If Glenn disputes this, and demands evidence,
before I will waste my time supporting my claim for Glenn to ignore,
I would request Glenn to publicly agree in advance that: 1) if I can't
produce such evidence by way of reference to emails from Glenn publicly
available on the Calvin archive then I will publicly apologise to
Glenn, but 2) if I can find such evidence, then Glenn will publicly
apologise to me. I wait Glenn's acceptance of these reasonable
BTW Glenn's reference to a "lawyer" is unhelpful. I was on a
Fidonet Creation vs Evolution echo once and someone mentioned
taking legal action against their opponent and the Moderator
jumped in and said that anyone who mentioned taking legal action
would be immediately banned from the List. The reason is obvious-
a lot of things are said in the heat of the moment on such a List,
and technically everyone involved in publishing the alleged libel
(eg. other List members, the host organisation, and the ISPs), are
also a party to it. The Reflector could not exist if everyone was
always in fear of being dragged into a costly legal action over
something they said in the heat of the moment.
Also there is a rule of torts which says that "He who comes to
equity must come with clean hands". Glenn has said some far
worse things about me (even implying that I have a particular
psychiatric disorder), but I have never threatened Glenn with legal
action (and I don't now or ever intend to, with anyone, BTW).
Stephen E. (Steve) Jones ,--_|\ Email: sejones@iinet.net.au
3 Hawker Avenue / Oz \ Web: http://www.iinet.net.au/~sejones
Warwick 6024 -> *_,--\_/ Phone: +61 8 9448 7439
Perth, Western Australia v "Test everything." (1 Thess. 5:21)