Re: Materialism

Susan B (
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 17:54:35 -0600 (CST)


>I don't believe a rational discussion can be carried on with anyone who calls
>people with whom they disagree liars.

If I see a lie being told, I have no particular moral reason to remain silent.

>intentionally lie. When I said there was nothing wrong with someone
>promoting a philosophy of materialism, Susan's answer was:
>>you don't believe that for a moment, why are you saying it?
>Sorry, Susan, I do believe it. There is room for many diverse beliefs and
>philosophies in this world. However, I do object to materialism being imposed
>upon society as proven scientific fact.

You hate what you think materialism is. You have decided where this hated
idea is coming from. You object to this hated idea being "imposed" on
society. You have stated all that repeatedly, making it all abundantly
clear. Therefore I have strong doubts that you think there's "nothing
wrong" with someone promoting the idea you hate so much.

>Susan seemed to feel that Johathan Wells' reported interested in the Moslem
>religion negated anything he said. I hadn't realized Unitarians were so

Actually I only refuted something Wells said and didn't comment on his
religion. That was someone else. (And actually someone did point out that
Wells was a Moonie which makes him a sort of a Christian, I think.)

Peace is not the absence of conflict--it is the presence of justice.
--Martin Luther King, Jr.
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