Re: Materialism

glenn morton (
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 13:00:14 +0000

At 03:31 PM 11/27/99 EST, wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
>I don't believe a rational discussion can be carried on with anyone who
>people with whom they disagree liars. None of the "Darwinists" on this
>seem to disavow the tactic, so my remarks are directed to those lurkers who
>might not be certain of the details of their philosophy.

Considering that I wasn't even in that discussion yet it was erroneously
stated that I clip data out of quotes I don't know exactly what to call
what Stephen has done. He wrote:

>>If I wanted to hide something I wouldn't insert ellipses. I would
have just cut out the text and joined it without ellipses, like Glenn
often does.<<

Stephen has corrected twice me on a mis-attribution of one quote in which
Morris was quoting another fellow. He has never before, to the best of my
remembrance, made this accusation before. His accusation is not true and
anyone who wants to go check any of the books and articles I have quoted is
welcome to, in fact I would encourage it so that they can see that I have
not done what Stephen libelously claims. Whether Stephen is lying here or
not I don't know. I do know he is absolutely wrong and he shouldn't make
such charges unless he has a good lawyer or has the statistics to back up a
claim like this. I think he should apologize.

And if I do have an error in any of my quotations, I would appreciate a


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