Re: Freud, Marx and Darwin

Susan Brassfield (
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:53:48 -0600


>Those who did psychosurgery during the 70's (some are still doing it), and
>prescribe mind altering drugs were psychiatrists.
>have such authority. Many in the false memory and satanic cult debacles were
>psychiatrists. Your psychiatrist might well be a fine fellow. However I
>doubt he'd interfer with anything he saw a collegue doing. And none of them
>are willing to submit their results to scientifc testing to determine

your own fear of psychiatry is showing here. It's obvious from reading your
website that you are and were terrified of psychiatry. In the late 60s and
early 70s there was a huge paradigm shift in psychiatric counselling and in
medicine in general. Unfortunately--tragically--it was to late for you to
really benefit from it.

It's pointless to say that all of psychiatry is evil and/or useless. It's
too easy to prove you're wrong. It's also wrong to say that an obviously
healing discipline is somehow bad because some people in it are bad or
foolish. Or that they or their colleagues were wrong about things 100 or 50
or 30 years ago. *None* of them are willing to submit results to scientific
testing? I sincerely doubt that.

Freud, Marx and Darwin had nothing to do with each other and almost of none
of Freud's techniques are in use today. So let's dump this topic and get
back to something more interesting.



For if there is a sin against life, it consists not so much in despairing
of life as in hoping for another and in eluding the implacable grandeur of
this one.
--Albert Camus