Re: Science Struggles With Faith, Authority

Susan Brassfield (
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 11:51:17 -0600

Steven Jones:
>It seems that science and religion are not mutually exclusive, as long as
>religion does not make any claims about the real world that science has
>already arrogated to itself. But what is *science* doing pontificating
>about our
>importance anyway? My tagline below is apt.

Science and religion exist in the same reality. They cannot conflict. You
are going to eventually fail to prove that your mythology is scientific
fact and then you will be forced to find the *religious* message your the

the quote below is a bad misstep in a wonderful book. Peck's mistake is
that he is commenting on something outside his area of expertise.
Scientists *can't* "look at the evidence of the reality of God" because
that is a *religious* persuit. It would be like criticizing Peck, a
psychiatrist, for not being able to program computers.


>"Another reason that scientists are so prone to throw the baby out with the
>bath water is that science itself, as I have suggested, is a religion. The
>neophyte scientist, recently come or converted to the world view of
>science, can be every bit as fanatical as a Christian crusader or a
>soldier of
>Allah...Another major reason that scientists are prone to throw the baby
>out with the bath water is that they do not see the baby. Many scientists
>simply do not look at the evidence of the reality of God. They suffer from a
>kind of tunnel vision, a psychologically self-imposed psychological set of
>blinders which prevents them from turning their attention to the realm of
>the spirit." (Peck M.S, "The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of
>Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth", [1978], Arrow: London,
>1990, p241)
>Stephen E. Jones | |


"Life itself is the proper binge."
--Julia Child