Re: Complexity of life

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 09 Nov 1999 10:08:49 -0800

At 11:55 AM 11/08/1999 -0500, Matthew wrote:

>> It is not the only, nor even the best explanation in my opinion.
>Again, be careful how you bandy about words like "explanation." The
>explanations used by scientists have to meet a very high standard
>(explain, predict, be falsifiable, etc). This standard is so high that
>explanations of this kind have their own name: "theory."
>The theory of evolution has no serious competition from any other
>scientific theory that explains the same natural phenomena. The theory
>has been so successful that it now provides the overarching theoretical
>framework for all of biology.

Those are fancy (and oft repeated) words. Let me issue you the Patterson
challenge: tell us one thing you know for sure about the theory of
evolution...other than that "it shouldn't be taught to high school students"
