Susan has company

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 09:08:07 -0700

The Toronto Star, August 31, 1999, Tuesday,
Byline: Susan Reimer Susan Reimer is a columnist for The Baltimore Sun.

''International colleagues just laugh at you,'' says Paul Sniegowski, an
assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania who teaches biology at
the undergraduate and graduate level and researches the workings of evolution
at the genetic level.
The Kansas Board of Education has essentially voted that he doesn't

Like me, he can't believe we are still arguing about this.
''Creationism is one of those theories that we don't bother with
he says. ''We stopped talking about this in the 19th century. We've moved on.
Our only questions now are how does evolution occur, by what model, what are
the rules.''

This is unbelievable. That an intelligent scientist could be so
unconscious of what he is saying.
"There is no longer a question that evolution is the only explanation
allowed for origins. But of course the only questions left are how it
happened, which of the many evolutionary models we will use to explain it,
and what the rules of the process are by which it occurred. In other
words, this is a religion. We can't explain how it happened, we can't tell
what model we will use to explain it, or even what the rules are. But you
jolly well had better not suggest any mechanism other than naturalism or we
will marginalize you out of science." The day of bigotry has arrived in
