Re: This is bizarre
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 13:40:57 +0000

At 11:57 AM 08/28/1999 -0700, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
>At 10:17 AM 08/28/1999 +0000, Glenn wrote:
>>Art, I must disagree with you here. We are not teaching evolution as
>>DArwin taught it. It has been changed from that view to neodarwinism, to
>>punc eq. So we have not stood still over the past 130 years.
>Hi, Glenn. There are today among biologists those who teach strict
>darwinism, neodarwiniism, and Punc Ek. So evolution has not stood still.
>But neither do Darwinists agree with neodarwinists or with punc ekers.
>Likewise for the other groups. So where 130 years ago there was one
>theory, today there are many. Is this progress? Yes. Is it progress in
>the right direction? Yes. Because a wrong theory in crisis has a chance
>to come to a better understanding of the world faster than one that is
>focused on only one mechanism.

Hi Art,

I would agree that any theory is better off with multiple working
hypotheses. This is what we do at oil companies. Each interpretor or each
company will have their own set of explanations which then compete in the
finding of oil and gas. That does not mean that oil and gas science is in
crisis. Neither does the multiple hypotheses of evolution indicate that
evolution is in crisis. I am also reminded that God seems to have used
this mechanism when he designed lliving forms. E. coli undergoing an
intense selection event give rise to mutator strains that randomly mutate
the genome. This has the effect of allowing mutliple working hypotheses to
take place among the bacteria. Ten thousand bacteria each mutating their
genome in a different way is much more likely to find the mutation that
solves the problem (a new antibiotic). If every bacteria mutated the same
locus in the same order, it would be unlikely that a solution would be
found in time. In computer terms such behavior is parallel processing
which is always much faster than serial processing.

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