There used to be some really powerful thinkers on the list
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 23:36:55 EDT

Since it doesn't appear in the archives,and I never saw a copy come from
the reflector either, he didn't simply add He sent
it on to Stephen privately, apparently without any explanation. Bertvan
didn't even copy me in what he sent to Stephen. That is a disgusting thing
for him to do because it hurt Stephen, strained further our already
strained relationship, and frankly, embarrassed me, which is the least of
the issues. If this is the type of activity that Bertvan is interested in
doing then he has serious problems with his judgement and he is not to be

You are paranoid, Glenn. I sent nothing to Stephen privately. If you sent
something to me privately, I didn't notice the "private". For that I
apologize. Personally, I would have nothing to say which I couldn[t say to
the whole list.

