DNA testing

Jeff Schnitker (bms@bonwell.com)
Thu, 5 Aug 1999 17:32:55 -0500

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I hope this question is appropriate for this group.

I was wondering. Has there been any DNA study/testing, or is it =
possible, on Neanderthal, Africa, Peking man to see whether or not =
theirs is similar to ours. If so, what conclusions have been made?

Thank you for your time,
Jeff Schnitker

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I hope this question is appropriate for this=20group.
I was wondering. Has there been any DNA =study/testing, or is=20it possible, on Neanderthal, Africa, Peking man to see whether or not =theirs is=20similar to ours. If so, what conclusions have been made?
Thank you for your time,
Jeff Schnitker