Purpose in nature

Thu, 22 Jul 1999 19:28:06 +0000

At 02:59 PM 7/22/99 GMT, David J. Tyler wrote:
>David Tyler responding to Steve Clark's post of July 14th.

>Sorry, I thought this point had been made many times before and did
>not need repeating. The reason Darwinian evolution contradicts the
>principle is that the determining factors are survival and
>reproductive success. Insofar as vision and hearing promote survival
>and reproductive success, favourable variations are selected and are
>absorbed into the gene pool. Darwinism recognises no other purposes.
> A Christian will not be happy with this: eyes are made for
>seeing whether or not there is reproductive success; ears are made
>for hearing whether or not this aids survival.


Suppose I hide a strong electromagnetic wire under the floor of my house
going from my favorite chair to the window. I then manufacture a toy car
that moves randomly but has a slight tendency to move toward strong
magnetic fields. I can make a lot of money off of dinner guests by showing
them that the car moves randomly in the dining room merely by letting the
thing run loose in there. Then after dinner over a brandy, I can tell them
that I can mentally control the car and make it move preferentially from my
chair to the window. I then release the car and while it moves randomly, it
always tends to come back to the place on the floor where the hidden wire
resides. Sometimes the car is close to my chair Eventually the car runs
into the wall beneath the window just as I predicted. I collect my money
from the bet, smile and bask in the adulation of my dinner guests who now
believe in psychokinesis. Now, what is the point of this?

God essentially placed hidden wires into the fabric of the universe. These
hidden wires are buried in the sequence spaces of the DNA. A sequence space
is a multidimensional space in which an entire dna sequence represents one
point. Your DNA represents one point in this billion+ dimensional space.
My DNA another, every human represents a point. All these points, the 6
billion points created by all humans, forms a cloud in a region of sequence
space that represents our species. Other species are represented by other
clouds of points each in a characteristic region of space. Between the
clouds are small regions which allow one species to evolve into another.
This is illustrated below (which won't look good in the archive):

parent daughter
species species
. . . . .
. . . . . .
.. .. ............... .. . .
. . . pathway for . . . .
. . evolution . .

cloud 1 cloud 2
species 1 species 2
Since some DNA sequences create living systems some don't, some points in
the space are forbidden with others allowed. Those points that are allowed
are potential living creatures. Those that are not allowed is the space
around these clouds.

Randomly mutating a population makes the dots move around in the cloud
region. Eventually some of the dots will make it into the tunnel
connecting the two clouds. Speciation then had begun. Further random
mutations will force a few of the members of species 1 to travel down the
tunnel into the region of the new species, species 2. Now, to the
observer, who is not paying attention to the sequence space geometry, the
mutations appear random and indeed they are. But the pathway from species
1 to species 2 creates a situation where eventually some small population
will travel down the tunnel and create species 2.

Here is the important part. God created the sequence spaces when he
created the DNA system. God laid down the paths of the sequence space. HE
DETERMINED THEM. What you you looks like lack of purpose is because you are
not looking at the right place. God purposed that we would exist and he
rigged the sequence space so that a random walk of genomes would eventually
lead to us.

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

Lots of information on creation/evolution