Re: you never see a partial wing (was Cambrian Explosion)

Susan B (
Sun, 18 Jul 1999 08:39:47 -0500 (CDT)

Stephen Jones quoted:
>"I do not think that the mind can serve two masters, and I am confident
>that whenever the attempt is made, naturalism in the end will be the true
>master and theism will have to abide by its dictates." (Johnson P.E.,
>"Darwin on Trial", 1993, pp169-170).

I'm afraid I have to agree with this. Religion told us the sun, moon and
earth were encased in a perfect glass sphere. It told us you could heal
leprosy by being blessed by a priest, that the earth is 6,000 years old. All
these fantasies have given way to reality. Personally, I'd rather not have
Zeus in charge of lightning bolts. I'd rather have lightning be an ordinary
event that is understandable by the human mind. I'd rather have disease be
understood and routinely curable my ordinary means rather than a mysterious
curse from God.

Of course, Johnson, being a propagandist, is presenting a false dichotomy
and excluding other available choices. Theists are perfectly free to believe
(and many do) that science merely reveals the handiwork of God in all its glory.

Life is short, but it is also very wide.