The existence and nature of GOD

Chris Cogan (
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 06:13:19 -0700

Let me introduce GOD:

ăGODä is an acronym for ăGeneral Ontological Denominator.ä

What IS GOD?

GOD is whatever the absolutely PRIMARY existing ăthingä or ăstuffä is. We
know it exists, because our universe exists, so it either IS our universe or
it is something that somehow ămakesä our universe (in any of a number of
possible or at least vaguely conceivable ways).

GOD has some interesting general characteristics, or ămeta-attributesä:

1. It is non-contingent, like Chris Mâs non-A (etc.). If it were contingent,
it wouldn't be PRIMARY.

2. It has a specific identity, UNLIKE Chris Mâs ăimmeasurable,ä etc. I donât
know what this identity is in any detail, of course.

3. It is, in itself, non-temporal. That is, it may be rearranged, but not
changed, in the way we can rearrange an arrangement of marbles without
significantly changing the nature of the marbles themselves. Thus, GOD can
participate in time without itself changing.

4. It is strictly causal, in somewhat the same way the marbles mentioned
above may interact without changing significantly, except that GOD doesnât
change at all in such interactions.

There are certain other traits of GOD, but Iâd like commentary on GOD so far
before continuing.

I believe that the ultimate conclusion will, if I can sustain it, surprise
atheists very much.

Chris Cogan