>At 09:06 AM 3/31/99 -0700, Kevin O'Brien wrote:
>> When scientists believe their religious views so strongly that they reject
>> the expertise of their colleagues as being biased dogmatism and feel that
>> they can more objectively evaluate a subject they have no research
>> experience in or practical knowledge of, I believe they have abandoned
>> scientific principles and thus should be treated like any other ignorant
>> creationist. In fact worse, because they know they are ignorant but choose
>> to believe their ignorance is stronger than their opponents' knowledge.
> Amen.
> This type of attitude is, unfortunately, all too common on this list.
>- Steve.
> Steven H. Schimmrich, Assistant Professor of Geology
>From: Pim van Meurs <entheta@eskimo.com>To: "'Arthur V. Chadwick'"
> "evolution@calvin.edu"
> <evolution@calvin.edu>
>Subject: RE: Peppered Moths again
>Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 08:50:30 -0800
>Jonathan: Fraud is fraud. It's time to tell it like it is.
>I just love the accusations. Do creationists have such a low esteem of
their own work that all they >can do is call "fraud" ?